
"Which are the best colleges in Canada?", "What are the requirements to study abroad?"


Applinations will give you access to students across the globe and help expedite your application...


Tie up with Applinations to connect your students to schools around the world with their choice of...


Is hunting for study-abroad programs daunting you?

Applinations’ AI is built keeping in mind the vast interlinked career fields and the best college programs that fulfill them. We don’t just provide the match you look for, but allied potential career fields as well. Let us help you choose your future!


Where to study abroad?

Give us your background, education and desired program, and our AI will match you to colleges without compromising on your dreams. Making the end result hassle free

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Reach Diverse and Qualified Students

Increase your global footprint and help students realize their ambitions with our trusted platform. Applination. We match up their educational portfolio with the potential courses you provide.

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Help your students to get the right education

Tie up with Applinations to connect your students to their desired programs around the world. Our hassle free platform ensures you get the best data-driven trends, community support and connections with the leading schools.

Work With Us

Rishab Nanda

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible support I received throughout my MBA application process to the University of Manitoba. With Applinations’ guidance, I am thrilled to have received my acceptance letter. The personalized assistance, comprehensive understanding of the university’s requirements, and unwavering commitment to my success truly set Applinations apart. I highly recommend Applinations to any student seeking study abroad support. Thank you for helping me achieve my academic dreams.

Rishab Nanda

Bhavneet Singh

I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the exceptional assistance I received from Applinations throughout my application and visa process for the Innovative Manufacturing Diploma at Saskatchewan Polytechnic. With their guidance and support, I am thrilled to share that I have been accepted into the program. Applinations’ expertise in navigating the application requirements and visa procedures was invaluable. I highly recommend Applinations to any student seeking support in their study abroad journey. Thank you for helping me achieve my academic goals.

Bhavneet Singh